As promised in my PubCamp Sydney post, I am now able to provide a brief glimpse of the Stubborn Mule on camera. Sticky Media’s Craig Wilson asked the probing questions while Gordon Whitehead rolled tape…or at least operated the video camera. Gavin Heaton (aka servantofchaos) was up first, followed by yours truly and finally Markus Hafner (aka eskimo_sparky) of Happener. That was all there was time for as the conference was about to begin.
Possibly Related Posts (automatically generated):
- PubCamp Sydney (18 June 2008)
- Coffee day 1 (2 December 2010)
- Hans Rosling: data visualisation guru (7 January 2011)
- Job guarantee on “Mule Bites” (14 December 2010)
Hey Sean, cool video – you looked and sounded good!